Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ruby at Ten Months

At ten months you:

-have your two bottom middle teeth (first 5/22, second 5/24). you really had no problems and very little fussing with teething. you slept normally and just sucked on your fingers. you like to suck on a wet washcloth more than a teething ring. 
-weigh 18 pounds 5.6 ounces (25%), are 27 inches long (25%), and your head is 45 cm (75%). your doctor thinks we need to fatten you up. ha ha! has she seen the size of your thighs? ;)
-can clap
-can show us "so big" (5/31)
-have stood up by yourself for a few seconds (5/30). you are really trying and practice doing this all the time.
-are in twelve month clothes. you won't keep any shoes on. you even succeed in pulling your mocassions off.
-have a very large vocabulary for a ten month old. a lot of times you will try/say a word once and not say it again (boob, fan, katie). words you use a lot: mama, dada, sis, hey, hi, that, i need (you add mama or you to the end), "acie."
-can crawl on your hands and knees but prefer to scootch on your belly.
-sleep in bed with mommy and daddy. you wake up to eat one or two times a night.
-are very good at using a sippy cup. you will not let us feed you anything, but if we put a food on your tray you will try it.
-still breastfeed a lot during the day. you can go four to five hours, but there are times you want food every two to three.
-still have your ducky hair (which i love).
-are a little bit better with other people. you still don't like when other people hold you, but occasionally you tolerate it, and you will smile at people from afar.
-are very ticklish. you love being tickled and laugh and laugh.
-love your sister and playing with her.
-your favorite toys-sit and spin (you can't spin yet, but you stand up and push the buttons to make music), blocks, tea cups and kitchen items
-are terrified of grass. you scream hysterically when we put you down in it. you curl your little toes and jerk your feet up if i try to just touch your legs down.
-are always getting into things you shouldn't. you love cords and putting things in your mouth that are too small and crawling as fast as you can to try to get my Fenton on the bottom shelf. my naughty bumpkin.

Oh Ruby D. I love love love you. You are just so stinking cute. And adorable. And lovable. And smart. You make us laugh all the time. You grab me with your little arms and give me kisses and hold me tight when other people try to take you. You are a Mamma's girl through and through and you've got me wrapped around your little finger. I can't believe you are almost a year old. What!? That just doesn't seem possible. Stop getting so big Ruby D. I miss my baby, but I am having so much fun watching you become you.

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