Wednesday, May 18, 2011

this week:

-trying to keep Ruby D out of the cat food at Auntie Ann's house
-watching Gracie hide herself in the empty sweeper box
-feeding the geese, especially the pair that stalk me each morning after I get up
-new sod in my yard (according to my husband-I haven't actually seen it yet)
-wishing gas prices would go down
-loving my babies in summer clothes
-enjoying the air conditioning (I'm not sure if I would have it on at my house, but Auntie Ann refuses to be hot)
-making a cake for the Gabba Gabbas (why Gracie is obsessed with her bath toys and has to carry them everywhere is beyond me. they are all losing their paint, but she throws a hissy if I mention buying new ones.)
-fishing fuzzy balls and everything else out of Ruby's mouth
-practicing listening with Gracie. and trying to keep my patience.
-getting up too early with little girls (time change and very bright sunshine in Auntie Ann's bedroom)
-trying to figure out what I need to work on the most when I get home
-wanting my hair to grow out long enough for it to stay in a ponytail all day long
-taking lots of pictures of my cutie girls playing

So proud of herself. Her favorite toy. Wearing her new pjs. Refusing to go to bed.


Gracie with one of her Gabbas.

Hoping that weaning won't be too much of an ordeal. She loves water in a sippy.

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