Friday, June 29, 2012

Ruby D at Twenty Three Months

At twenty three months you:

-love to swing and run through the sprinkler. you also try to drink from the sprinkler when we turn it off.
-look for bees in the grass even though you tell me, "bees hurt me." (you have never been stung)
-your favorite tv show is Doc McStuffins, and you get so so excited when it comes on.
-are a very good drawer. you can fill a whole page with circles and squiggles. you also love to color and paint.
-wear size eighteen months and a size four or five shoe. you get very upset if i take your shirt or pants off-you hate to be naked. you also hate to change out of your Minnie and Figaro pjs into your clothes.
-get into anything and everything. you pull your high chair over to crawl on the counter, you say "pull up" and use the handles on the tv stand to brace yourself. you empty gracie's book case, and you climb into the sink at Auntie Ann's house.
-i have started to potty train you. you taught yourself to go to the potty for poop a long time ago, but never have gone for pee. you are doing pretty well-of course some days are better than others. i take you every hour or two. you do usually wake up from nap dry. so far no telling me when you have to go, but i don't expect that to come for awhile.
-favorite foods: popcorn, suckers, strawberries, sherbert, and corn on the cob.
-speak in sentences (anywhere from 2 words to 8) all of the time. you have no problems making yourself understood.
-love when Uncle Nick swings you. You laugh and laugh. You also love showering with Auntie Ann, playing the bubble game with Mimi, and eating Papa's sherbert.
-yell at Cuddily and Sissy to "stop hissing." You love to pet Cuddily and watch birds with her.
-crawl up into your high chair whenever you think it is time to eat.
-whenever you like something we do you tell us, "do it again" over and over.
-still hate to go to sleep at night. there are a few nights you are asleep by nine (this is only if Daddy isn't home) but for the most part you are asleep between 10 and 11. sigh. you still take a nap every afternoon for around two hours (you would take longer but I usually wake you and Grace after that).
-are still very much a Mama's girl.
-take one half of a Synthroid pill each day at lunchtime. your next appointment at Riley is in July. after two metabolic scans w/ your levels slightly off for liver/bone functions you had to go in and get more blood work for tests on those specific areas. these tests came back completely fine. your doctor still wants you to get one more metabolic panel. sigh. your thyroid level has been steady for months-you get tested every three months for that (one time they were able to use your arm-every other time they have had to use your forehead and sometimes even that is tough to get).
-make us laugh each and every day. you are an imp (and you know it). that dimple of yours just kills me.
-want to do everything that "Sister" does.
-you are such a sympathetic little girl. if other babies are crying you start to pout. you also will tell me, "baby crying Mommy." when i was upset the other day you came up to hug me and told me, "I'm sorry Mommy, it was accident, didn't mean to." Oh my heart! You love for people to be happy.

Oh Ruby D D how can you be almost two? Mommy just can't believe it. I love you times twenty bi trillion. You are my sweetheart, my imp, my naughty girl, my genius baby, my silly girl. I don't know what we do without you.