Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. I am completely behind on packing. Our house closes on Friday (supposedly), and I am nowhere near being ready to move. I plan on just taking a lot of car loads, but there are things I need to pack (like the kitchen).
2. I am completely ready to be in my new house. As soon as the weather started to get nice again the mice returned. I hate mice more than anything. I also can not wait to have a pantry to put my food in instead of cramming it into any available cabinet.
3. Ruby just recently learned how to wave. Cutest thing ever.
4. I went to Lowes this weekend to look at their magnolia trees, and they were completely out. I have no idea when they will even get the landscaping done at our house, but I need to find out what variety of magnolia I need to buy. I plan on having a pink magnolia in the front yard, peonies on one side of the house, and hydrangeas on the other.
5. I ordered new summer pajamas from Carters.com for the girls yesterday. I love that you can buy clothes at their website, but I hate paying shipping. Why must the nearest Carter's store be an hour away?
6. Gracie and I made blueberry muffins this morning.
7. The Easter Bunny found it a little difficult to shop for Ruby's Easter basket. I still have some odds and ends to pick up before Sunday, but the girls baskets are 95% done. Gracie made out like a bandit.
8. I am never giving up chocolate for Lent again.
9. Although I love the look of our crib I would not recommend purchasing a similar one if you plan on using bumpers. The back has no rungs to tie the bumpers on to so we used velcro. Guess what happened when we took the velcro off? Andrew has been repainting, but it is taking a ton of coats. Gracie had the bumpers in with her until she was over a year old (we used tape with her-it didn't stick as well but also kept the paint on). Ruby thinks tearing the bumpers off is a great game.
10. Because Ruby's crib is currently taken apart, and because she will no longer sleep in her bassinette she is currently co-sleeping. Apparently that is all it took to break her from swaddling. I am not looking forward to transitioning her to the crib.

Our front yard (3/30)

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