Monday, October 10, 2011


Zooey Deschanel is starting to annoy the crap out of me. It isn't cute when everything you do is literally screaming out in capital letters "Look at me, I'm so CUTE and ECCENTRIC and CHARMING." And her bangs look like shit.

My mums look like crap this year. Because I left town for a week after I bought them, and my husband apparently doesn't know how to water flowers. Sigh. They have been regulated to the back porch.

Why do people have to broadcast all their drama on Facebook? Seriously, grow up. So you have problems. Doesn't everybody? Fighting with your significant other or trying to elicit sympathy just smacks of highschool to me. I have a much higher tolerance for drama from teenage girls then from married women with children.

So it's October 10th and it's still in the eighties and sunny. I pretty much hate it. I love summer, but once it hits mid September I'm done. I want to make hot chocolate and burn candles and wear slippers. My house gets so much sun during the day that we wake up from nap freaking hot. I actually turned the air on the other day. Supposedly it is supposed to cool down by next week. I hope so.

I have to look for My Little Pony party stuff online. I thought it would be so much easier than a Yo Gabba Gabba party, but no, no one in town sells their stuff either. At least you can get the toys in stores.  I still haven't figured out invitations and Gracie's party is in less than two weeks. Does a Facebook event count?

Ruby D and I are currently having a huge fight numerous times a day over her unwillingness to drink milk from her cup. Unless she is in her highchair for lunch or supper she thinks it needs to come straight from the tap. And if she accidentally bites herself while eating lunch, then she thinks I need to get her out of her highchair for "boob." I disagree. Hence the fighting. We'll get there eventually. Maybe. Someday.

I am getting really tired of killing at least one (sometimes six) spiders a day. I infinitely prefer spiders to mice though.

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