I love Halloween. It is one of my favorite holidays. I am so happy that I have two little girls to dress up and take trick or treating. Gracie wanted to be a Gabba this year, but I vetoed that (umm, over thirty dollars for a costume-I don't think so). After a lot of consideration she decided that she wanted to be the tooth fairy and that Ruby D needed to be a tooth. Adorable! Gracie's costumes was pretty easy; I gussied up a cheap princess outfit with teeth I printed out and added glitter too. Ruby D's costume wasn't hard, it was just a pain. I drew a tooth on cardboard, Andrew cut it out, I sanded the edges, glittered it, punched holes in the sides, and then we used ribbon to attach it. I looked everywhere in town and couldn't find white pants (if you sell white sweat shirts you should at least have the option of white sweat pants-I get that kids are messy, but my girls have always ruined their shirts way before their pants.) So Ruby D ended up just wearing white tights, but her tooth mostly covered that up. I glittered their hair and put makeup on Gracie right before we went out. Gracie was so so excited. She kept asking to go to another house immediately after we would leave each doorway. We went around both our neighborhood and Mimis. They both came away with a huge loot! Their pumpkins got quite heavy. Ruby wanted to walk everywhere in our neighborhood so it took a long time to get from house to house. She was so funny picking out her candy, because she would just randomly pull something from the bowl while staring at the person giving out the candy. She was most excited when we walked by a "doggy!!!" After trick or treating we went to a friends house and put the girls in their pjs. Poor Gracie wanted to wear her costume "for the next three days." She woke up this morning and wanted to pick a piece of candy from her bucket for breakfast. Silly girl. I think I have all of the glitter out of their hair, but my bathroom is sure sparkly right now.

Gracie was not sure she wanted to help scoop seeds out of the pumpkin. Daddy will carve, but he also won't touch the insides. Maybe Ruby D will help me someday. I finished scooping all the seeds out, and Gracie informs me that we need to roast them. Umm, what?! I have never in my life done this and have no idea where she got this idea. So I ask her, and she tells me, "Paula Deen did it on tv the other day Mommy." Oh of course, if Paula Deen did it then I guess we must. I Googled what to do real quick and shoved a baking tray of some in, but they came out pretty tough. Luckily Gracie mostly just wanted to "feed" them to her ponies.

She may not have wanted to touch the "goo" herself, but she sure thought it was funny watching Mommy.

Our finished pumpkins! Gracie picked out square eyes, a square nose, and a heart mouth. She also wanted a pony pumpkin, but we are not that talented in this house. She loved her pumpkin so much that she kept kissing it.

Ruby D is ready to get some candy!

The cutest tooth ever!

The beautiful tooth fairy. Although she told me and everyone who asked her what her costume was that she was, "a scary Tooth Fairy." I don't think giving out money makes you scary, but she was rather insistent.

Mommy and her girls. Our neighborhood apparently has a ton of trick or treaters, but my treat bowl must have lasted for awhile. When we came home for the night there were two Whopper packages left in it and one on the ground. So far I have been very good about not stealing the girls candy except for Snickers which Gracie doesn't like and are too chewy for Ruby D. I don't want their candy to go bad though so I may have to help a little more. ;)
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