Andrea (my sister) and I went on a short vacation to Springfield, Illinois over the weekend. We went to a Reindeer Ranch and the Abraham Lincoln Museum. Gracie was very excited about staying at a hotel and swimming in the pool. Ruby D was excited about going to the Cozy Dog Drive In and eating her first coney dog. We had a very good time. I loved the Reindeer Ranch. We got graham crackers to feed the reindeer, and I was able to "kiss" one of them. I held the graham cracker in my mouth with part of it sticking out and the reindeer ate it. It was awesome! Andrea did not want to try; she told me she didn't know where that reindeer's mouth had been. She held Ruby D who liked looking at the reindeer but got very scared when they came too close. Gracie has no fear and loved feeding them out of her hand and petting their sides and faces. We also played on the playground that had reindeer swings (adorable) and a digging area. It was very windy so we got a little chilly, but it was a really cute place. The Abraham Lincoln Museum was very interesting but just a little depressing. Poor Lincoln Family. They were extremely unlucky. The room where they reenacted Lincoln's funeral was extremely creepy. Also creepy? The incredibly life like figurine of Mary Lincoln crying after her son died (after walking through a reenactment of his death bed scene). Gracie asked many many questions. What she learned and told us after leaving the Museum: a mean horse kicked Lincoln in the head, a bad man shot him, and his kid died. But why did the horse kick him Mommy? Why?? We need to tell that horse no no. And the bad man. Oh my. Andrea was not a fan of the Cozy Dog. It was featured on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives and Man vs. Food (I love you Adam) and is the first place a corn dog was ever made. Eh, it was okay. The cheese fries were good. The sugar cookie we got at Wal-mart for our evening snack was better. We also went to the free Science Museum. It was pretty interesting (especially for free). There were many many life like displays of animals and a play area for children. Gracie is very into fossils so she was pretty interested. It was a great little mini vacation that everyone had fun on. We are spending a few days at Auntie Anns now before we go home. I can work on finishing the table and baking sometime next week.

Gracie falling asleep in the car on the way there. Holding Bun Bun, My Little Ponies in her lap, and her sister's Minnie (Ruby tends to throw things when she gets upset) in her other arm.
Auntie Ann pushing Gracie on the swing. She thought the reindeer were scary.
Ruby D and I digging for treasure.
Gracie feeding a reindeer graham crackers.
Me kissing the reindeer (I think his name was Scooter).
And where am I supposed to sleep girls?
Auntie Ann and Gracie visiting with the Lincoln Family.
Digging for dinosaur bones at the Science Museum.
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