Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ruby D at Thirteen Months

At thirteen months you:

-Can point out and say: nose, eyes, belly, toes. You can also usually point out teeth and hair.
-Say so many new words and phrases every day. You are extremely verbal and can even say short sentences. Some of your most often used words: mama, daddy, sissy, butt butt, nose, down, that, i need, baby, mommy's baby, i ru ru.
-Usually take one nap a day (around 1 with Mommy and Sister) for two to three hours. If you get up too early or are cranky you take a short morning nap as well.
-Still only have two teeth. You drool and chew on everything all the time, but so far no new teeth have appeared.
-Love to play with blocks, the Gabbas, baby dolls, stuffed animals, and pretend food.
-Point at anything with a circular shape and exclaim, "Ball, ball!"
-Love to take your bath and be in the pool.
-Get so excited when we play "When you're up you're up."
-Tend to get very loud in church. You don't cry, but you want to talk and squeal.
-Are still not the best sleeper. I can usually get you to sleep between 8:30 and 10 (even though you want to be up and playing), but unless I am holding you you have a tendency to wake up. I sometimes can get you to sleep on the couch next to me, but usually I just hold you until I take you to bed with me around 12.
-Drink from a cup at breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. You still breastfeed first thing in the morning, after you wake up from nap, before bed, and at least once during the night. I don't have any plans to drop any of these feedings anytime soon.
-Have switched from the generic form of your medicine to Synthroid. Your doctor hopes this will regulate your levels so that you don't have to have a blood test every month.
-Are starting to warm up a little bit to other people. You know Mimi and reach for her especially if Mommy isn't there. You do not like when Auntie Ann gives you a shower though.
-You love doggies from afar. When they get close to you not so much.
-Are still a Mommy's girl through and through.
-Nicknames: Ruby D, Ru Ru (what you call yourself), Butt Butt (what Gracie calls you, what you call yourself when you are being naughty), Sister, Ru Ru Ma Goo Goo

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