Friday, August 26, 2011

Remembering My Grandma Bowser

Sometime in the next few days we will be going to Ohio for my Grandma Bowser's funeral. I am very sad, but I know that Grandma is happy to be with my Grandfather after missing him for the past two years. I am also glad that both of my daughters got to meet and see my Grandma quite a few times.

My Grandma was funny, sometimes inappropriate, loving, teasing, and supportive. She loved babies, dogs, cats, reading romance novels, and her soap operas. When I was little I spent a week each summer visiting her. For my birthday every year she and my Grandpa took me shopping and out to supper. We always had a bedtime snack and stayed up late talking and watching movies. She and my Grandpa visited our house all the time when we were little for holidays and school events. They always made sure I knew how proud they were of me. My Grandma made me laugh all the time, and I find myself repeating her sayings all the time. She loved my babies and loved to see them and hug them. She was always interested in whatever I had to say and wanted to know everything going on in my life. She and my Grandpa taught me so much about how to be a good person, how to be a loving spouse, and how to enjoy life.

(I am on Glimmer, not my computer with all of my pictures files so I plan on adding more pictures to this post later. These pictures are from March-our last visit with my my Grandma.)

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