-The carpet is dry. There is a wood stain from my dresser. Apparently this can happen very quickly according to the carpet cleaner who came to my house. He sent a picture to Fred (our builder). Probably we will have to have the carpet replaced in our bedroom. The only other option is for another company to come in, bleach the spot, and redye it. It all just sounds like a pain the butt to me. The carpet cleaner was very impressed with the amount of water I had already sucked out of the carpet. Go me or something.
-Andrew has bought and installed locks for all of the drawers/cabinets in the kitchen except for one. Yesterday he brought home a lock for the fridge. Thank freaking goodness!
-Ruby is pulling up to everything and standing by herself for very short periods of time. She also is no longer afraid of grass! Big girl.
-Gracie wants a sprinkler bath every day. She also wants to ride Sparky (her trike). Unfortunately she can pedal, but she can't keep the trike going straight. We are working on it.
-I have started sending Gracie to her room for three minute time outs. She gets really mad, but I'm not sure it's really helping her behavior. If she tries to play with the toys in her closet or turns the radio on she gets three more minutes. I just don't understand why she continues to grab Ruby and pull her over when I have been telling her for months to STOP. It's not like Ruby enjoys it, she starts screaming every time. Sigh.
-I really need to buy a tension rod and curtain for the opening to our master closet. I hate seeing Andrew's crap just sitting on the floor. Why can't he unpack his one box? Why? I've at least gone through my scrapbook boxes and am just looking for a better storage option to put them in.
-Lack of sleep and the heat (and my totally messed up bedroom) are making me extremely cranky. I may just have to crack open the bottle of Cupcake wine (Chardonnay) I bought the other day. It may help. Hopefully.
What we've been up to:
Being cute. |
"Maybe grass isn't quite so bad Mommy as long as you hold me." |
Gracie riding her trike. Andrew only looks mean because the sun was in his eyes. |
The new couch (I actually hate the plaid on the back of the pillows, but I don't have to show that side). Gracie with her Gabbas (both sets) like always. |
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