One of the pipes in our master bathroom broke. Sucks. HARDCORE. Luckily we have a home warranty, but dealing with a soaking floor at two in the morning is no fun. Both Ruby and Gracie woke up and wanted to have a party. Me? Not so much. We moved my dresser as soon as we noticed the leak, but unfortuantely the damage was already done. There is a wood stain that I'm not sure will come up. Tomorrow a carpet cleaner will be coming to extract the water and evaluate whether he thinks he can take care of the stain. I have a huge hole in my wall (no date to replace the drywall yet), a stained still wet carpet, and my furniture is basically shoved wherever it will go. I have been running my carpet cleaner just to pull up the water, and I had a heater running on the worst area, but that just made it hot and it didn't smell particularly great. Sigh.
In the past few weeks we have had to replace the battery in the van and now our main computer stopped working. Gracie tripped on the cord causing the computer to drop HARD. The case cracked and although you could push the power buttons for a few weeks it finally stopped working the other night. Andrew ordered the new piece to fix (hopefully) the power button, but it won't be here for awhile. At least we have Glimmer to use until the other computer is back up and running. We have a something (I'm not technical in the least) that we can hook the hard drive to and retrieve everything from the computer just in case we couldn't get it up so it could be worse-it's just an inconvenience. They start to add up after awhile. My pocketbook doesn't like that.
But like I said-things could definitely suck a lot more. Luckily all the van needed was a new battery not a new alternator or engine. Luckily we have a home warranty so that we aren't paying for the pipes to be fixed or the drywall or even the carpet cleaning. Luckily we were home when the leak happened so we weren't dealing with a house full of water and much more damage. Luckily we have another computer for Andrew to do his homework on. Luckily we have backups of all of our pictures and a way to retrieve everything else we would want/need from the computer. It helps to look on the sunny side.
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