How is it possible that my itty bitty tiny baby is four years old? You are still my itty bitty big girl. You have such a huge personality in your little body. You are such a joy to be around, and you make me smile everyday. You are such a people person. You have never met a stranger, and you love to hug and play with other children. For weeks you have been inviting random people that you talk to at the grocery store, Wal-mart, etc. to your party. Silly girl. You just very recently ended your Yo Gabba Gabba obsession (which lasted almost an entire year-you certainly are dedicated to the things you love) and fell in love with My Little Pony. You are such a kind hearted individual. You love your sister so much. You make sure that she is included in everything and always think of her. You share your food, your toys (mostly), and make sure she gets lots of hugs and kisses. Every night when we tuck you in you have to make sure you get your kiss from Ruby D. You are busy busy all the time and always always thinking. You are smart as a whip and have a mind like a trap. You remember everything. I love to watch you "read" your favorite books to your babies or make up stories of your own to the pictures for books you don't know. You know all your numbers (up to twelve), letters, shapes, and are starting to recognize some sight words. You are also a pro at opposites, singing, and helping me cook. You are a very good eater and always willing to try new things. Some of your favorite foods are kiwis, peanut butter crackers, cheese, noodles, lemon yogurt, and "green" ice cream (mint chocolate chip). You love "play dates" with Mimi and Uncle Nick. You would go to Wal-mart every single day if we let you. You are such a good girl at the store. If we tell you you can't have something you have never gotten upset or thrown a fit. You are fine with just looking. You go to bed every night without a fuss after you have two stories, prayers (you have learned most of the Our Father, Glory Be, parts of Hail Mary, and Angel of God), kisses, and we turn your radio on to 105.3. You sleep with Bun Bun, Foofa, Alice, and Strawberry. Your bed is just a little crowded. You still take your nap with Mommy and Sister every afternoon for at least two hours. You love to cuddle and are such a sweetheart. You try so hard to be a good listener. Three was a difficult year at times with you trying to assert your independence, but you have always been such a good girl. You want to be good and do the right thing. Sometimes you get a little mouthy and talk back, but you always apologize and try harder the next day. I'm so proud of the person you are and the person you are becoming. You are such an amazing little girl. So smart, so sweet, so funny, so crazy, so loving, so beautiful, so mine. I love you a bushel and a peck Gracie Lou MaGooGoo.
One year ago at your third birthday party (Yo Gabba Gabba themed)
Some of my favorite pictures of you from the last year:
Your very first haircut.
One of my very favorite pictures of you and your sister together. I did not pose your legs at all-you both put them like that at the same time. :)
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