At fourteen months you:
-Can point out eyes, nose, hair, tongue, teeth, belly, belly button, toes, foot, ear, eyes, and mouth. You can also name almost of these except for tongue and belly button.
-Are into everything. You are another little monkey like Gracie was. You love to grab crayons and try to scribble on everything.
-Are very into pretending to poop. You actually have ran to the bathroom and pooped on the potty a few times so far. If Gracie is going or anyone mentions poop you make grunting noises. Crazy baby.
-Are starting to transition to sleeping in your crib. Daddy took the side rail off the crib and put it next to my side of the bed. I still put you to sleep in the living room, and then I try to lay you in your crib. If the lights are still on and I am in the room you usually stay asleep in your crib for an hour or so (your max has been four hours-from 11-3, part of that with the lights off).
-Are in mostly size 12 clothes with a few hand me down 18 month outfits. Your shoe size is 3 or 4 depending on brand.
-Your hair is starting to grow lots. It is mainly white blond with a little hint of orange. I love to put your hair in two sticky up pigtails and everywhere we go people comment on it.
-Love, love, love your sister. You call her "GeeGee" most of the time. You smile and laugh and want to play with her (especially at night after she goes to bed).
-Lay your head on my shoulder and snuggle in when I ask for a hug. You also give kisses. So precious.
-Talk all the time. Common words/phrases: "I need my bobby", "I need a bite," here, Sissy, Mama, baby, my baby, milk, shoe, Mimi, hi.
-Hold play phones, calculators, remotes, etc. to your ear saying, "Hi. Hi. Hey. Baby."
-Love your baby dolls, stuffed animals, play phones, and balls.
-Are a very good eater. Some of your favorites: grapes, watermelon, peaches, mandarin oranges, crackers, deli meat, noodles, Oreos.
-Love to see other babies (as long as Mommy isn't holding them). You call every other baby you see a "bad baby" though.
-Meow and follow Sissy/Dolly/Katie around the house. You can also Woof for doggies.
-Love Sesame Street, especially Cookie Monster, Elmo, and Narf.
-Dance and sway to all kinds of music.
-Love books with pictures of babies, animals, and things you can touch. You are a big fan of the Grandmama and Grandpa Richard book just like Sister was.
-Get cuter and cuter and smarter and smarter every single day.
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