My baby doesn't:
- go to sleep without being held (to be fair Gracie was the same way until she was almost three)
- let anyone feed her. I have to put all her food on her plate and let her self feed. What a mess! If she does take a bite of something she quite often pulls it out of her mouth to examine what we've given her.
- sleep through the night. Greedy baby will pull down my tank top if she wakes up and thinks I'm not going to breastfeed her.
- Like anyone to hold her except for me. She throws a major hissy fit when other people (including my mother and sister) take her. She is especially bad at night.
- Know how to keep her clothes clean. If I don't take all her clothes off before she eats she will inevitably get something on her pants or collar or both (even with a bib). Blackberries are the worst!
- Keep Gracie's toys out of her mouth. Although she generally spits things out as soon as I say "out of mouth."
- Like any sippy cup as much as the one her sister has. Even if they have the same design (different colors so I don't confuse them in the fridge) she still tries to steal Gracie's all the time.
- Keep her shoes (or sunglasses) on. She is pretty good at keeping hair ties in though.
- Like to get her pjs on after bath time.
- make me smile and laugh every single day!
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