Monday, April 18, 2011

Gracie at 3 and 1/2

Is a non stop talker. Goes around the house singing all the time. Loves Mickey Mouse, Barney, and Dinosaur Train. Has to sleep with Bun Bun, Elly, Strawberry, and Alice. Has started to ask questions about everything. Asks, "Are you happy?" and if you answer no responds, "What can I do to help?" Wears a size 3T but has to have a pin in almost all of her pants to keep them from falling off her nonexistent bottom. Still loves shoes (and has a ton). "Reads" her books to me before naptime. Has a mind like a trap and can recite most of her favorite boooks. Her favorite books are: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Bunny Book, Grandmama book (made by Mary Ann), and Ten in the Bed. She also can remember things that happened months ago. She does not use her memory for her numbers (1,2,3,6,7) or letters though. Adores her baby sister (almost too much). Has to take a bath with Ruby every night. Has a sweet tooth like her Mommy and aks for dessert whenever we go out to eat. Her favorite foods are: bologna, peanut butter crackers, cheese, raspberries, noodles, and frosting. Loves to go outside and to the mall. Wants to be a doctor or a scientist when she grows up. Is not very good at being quiet at church. Is working on being a better listener but tends to get easily distracted. Loves to color, play with her puzzles, and dress up. Makes us laugh every day. Is growing up way too fast.

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