At twenty one months you:
-have started to learn your colors. you are pretty good at yellow, pink, and sometimes blue. we are working on green, red, and orange.
-can count from 1-11 when you want to.
-if Sister is playing with something you want you tell her, "My turn."
-take one nap a day for 2-3 hours (usually around 1). you sometimes take a pacy, sometimes not.
-go to sleep anywhere from 9 (on a good night) to 10:30. i never really know how well you will sleep for the night. you don't wake up as often now that i don't let you breastfeed during the night, but you are a very bad sleeper if you have a cold, are too hot/cold, aren't in the mood, etc.
-breastfeed after story time each night (you actually would rather skip story time-you start screaming "booby" as soon as you get out of the bath).
-are still a very good eater. recent favorites: cheese, soup, salsa, jelly beans, and yogurt. you are also very good at using a spoon.
-love to try to help me clean. you use a towel to wipe the floor/walls, help pick up toys at night, and point out messes.
-are such a sweetheart. you tell me all the time, "i love you (too)." when i say "oh ruby" you respond "oh mommy." you love hugs and kisses and "cuddles."
-are a big fan of Doc McStuffins,"Janamals" (Pajamanimals), and Yo Gabba Gabba.
-love to color.
-love to go outside and swing in the big girl swing, go down the slide, and take walks. you refuse to hold my hand most of the time. you also love seeing doggies.
-occasionally go to the bathroom for pee. mommy plans on starting to train you in the next month or two.
-wear size 18 month clothes and size 4 or 5 shoes. you can't keep flip flops on at all.
-can do a forward flip all by yourself! you also try to jump and can climb anything.
-have started to point at Gracie when we are at stores and tell people, "Ruby's sister."
-when i ask you what you want to eat, "Pizza Hut."
-love to watch birdies out the window.
-call McDonald's "Donalds" and say that the Ronald McDonald statue is your "husband." If you wake up and Daddy is home you tell him, "Donalds."
-are such a good girl.