-can say anything and everything. you are definitely a talker. you finish phrases, name objects/people, talk/sing with the tv, and jabber to your stuffed animals.
-are a night owl. you go to nap every day with no problems whatsoever for around 2 hours, but come bedtime you refuse to sleep. you can be rubbing your eyes tired or have been outside for hours and as soon as you start to go to sleep you literally jerk yourself awake and start kicking your legs. if you are asleep by 10 i consider that good.
-wear size 18 month (you still fit all your 12 month stuff, but the shirts are starting to get small) and size 4 or 5 shoes
-when i ask you what you want to eat you say, "pizza hut." you call oreos "ohs." you love suckers, cucumbers, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
-you have a lisp.
-are such a cuddle bug. you love to hug and kiss and will pat my back or hold my face. such a sweetheart.
-smile and say hi to everyone we meet then say "mommy" and grab me.
-love doggies and kitties and are so gentle as you pet them.
- have a new tooth (bottom left) and finally got your fourth tooth on the bottom middle. you are a very slow teether.
-take 1/2 a synthroid each day and chew it right up. you call it "yummy medicine."
-adore "sister!" you want to do everything she does.
-love to color, look at books, slide, swing, play with your baby, dance, and watch yo gabba gabba.
-only will take a pacy at naptime willingly. you take when for bed, buy not willingly. you would rather continue to breastfeed. you are down to pretty much one feeding before bed and sometimes once at night (one side). you do get really mad depending on the night, but usually i can calm you with patting.
-hate sleeping with covers on your feet.
-call yourself ruby dee dee or baby dee dee (that one is all gracie)
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